A true Mennonite story of tragedy, intrigue, and adventure

I have now finished your fascinating book! (I couldn’t go walking this morning because I couldn’t leave this computer!) Thank you SO much for sharing your life and giving me the opportunity to read your story. You are a true Double-Rainbow Family! What a great title! Jackie (Berry) Small
I couldn’t stop reading! What an amazing life you are living! It is an inspiration to read about how God has been with you through it all. How are you going to continue to add on once it is published and you are still living it? Your book is as good as Pulitzer Prize winning books I have read! Thoroughly engrossed, Beverly Fong
I was fascinated by the first three chapters of your story! You really paint a good picture of Grace and Ralph. They became “real” right away, which is a good thing. And I think for the first time I realized what an awful shock and tragedy your mother’s death must have been for the whole family. Your story made that especially real for me. Brenda Loux, niece
I really am enjoying reading your book. It fascinates me because it is my history and heritage. It is a huge part of my dad's life that I love to know more about. Thanks for taking the time out of your life to tell the story so that many others can learn about our
family’s history. Wow! The tribute brought tears to my eyes. What a gift you gave your father with that tribute. Wendy (Herstine) Weaver, niece
I’m in the process of reading your book and have enjoyed it very much. You have put much time and energy into the research of our family. My dad never talks too much about his childhood. He is very quiet and I’ve always been curious. What I have read has given me a lot to think about.
Jeff Herstine, nephew
Your chapters are fantastic! You must have cried many tears, not only in your childhood, but also during writing. Wow, what a job! Helen (Friesen) Arlitt, sister-in-law
You have poured so much energy into your book, anyone who reads your chapters gains strength from your energy. Their appetite craves more. You write so well and have truly done a good job. Mary Ann (Friesen) Mulligan, sister-in-law
I’m reminded of the verse, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” You are such a humble servant for Him that He has been able to “lift you up” and use you greatly. What a lifetime of great experiences and blessings you have had! Mildred Barger
Stunning detail! Todd Murray
Very interesting. I had no idea. I knew so little about you and your family. I am enjoying your chapters. You have worked hard at many things, and your secretarial training has certainly served you well. Mildred (Rosenberger) Smith
I just finished the first 20 chapters and am eager for more. It brought back so many memories and emotion about people, places, and events from the past. I was aware long ago that you had sad days as a child but did not realize how it was for all of you. And yet you always had such a caring and forgiving way. I could feel your struggle through it all. Ada (Rosenberger) Spaeth
Your story continues to be interesting reading. I feel so sad that you and your sisters missed having a happy childhood, in fact, that it was so difficult. I like the way you bring out the positive aspects of your father's personality -- and even of your stepmother. That can't have been easy. Mary Rempel
I am reading your book again, starting from the beginning; it is great to see the pictures this time and read the polished version. It is fabulous and so interesting. I love the picturesque descriptions and the wonderfully written story; it is hard to put down. And I LOVE the poem at the beginning--you were meant to be an author!! Willie Wood
Great work! You are in one book accomplishing more than one goal. With the (ministry) chapter your family may feel it is a long side trip in which they have secondary interest, but you are reporting on a major chapter in your life. Therefore, in that sense it belongs in this book, which is a condensation of your life—and the journaling of events that blessed your life and allowed you to be a blessing.
Peter B. Wiebe
Thank you for letting me read the preface and first chapters of your book. You have written honestly and well. I wanted somehow to go get those little girls (you and your sisters) and take care of them. Only a few books have made me feel that way. Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your dear mother. Your book is a loving tribute to her. Glenda Zahller